Which laser is more effective for treating wrinkles around the eyes? Why does plasma therapy work so well? We explain why peptide bioremediation and chemical peels are effective against skin wrinkles in the periorbital area.
Laser Treatment

This procedure is suitable for patients of all ages. Laser therapy has a powerful stimulatory effect at the cellular level, resulting in a reduction in macroscopic and microscopic relief. The result is a visual reduction in wrinkle depth. The number of operations is determined by the beautician based on the severity of the problem. The course of treatment is 1 to 3 times (frequency is 1 time per month).
To correct wrinkles in the periorbital area, two lasers are most commonly used: erbium and carbon dioxide. The laser beam acts on the skin, causing active cell regeneration. Generally, laser therapy is designed to improve skin quality and fight wrinkles. Before laser rejuvenation, your doctor may recommend preparation procedures for you: for example, plasma therapy or bioactivation with hyaluronic acid-based preparations.
During the procedure, the doctor must numb the skin. After laser treatment, avoid baths and saunas for about two weeks, apply scrubs and treatments that contain alcohol and retinol, and be sure to use products with SPF (the higher the better).
Contraindications for laser rejuvenation are the same as for other physiotherapy procedures: chronic skin diseases, acute somatic diseases, pregnancy, exacerbation of neoplastic diseases.
chemical peel

To correct wrinkles in the periorbital area, we recommend a chemical TCA peel with a 20% (or more) trichloroacetic acid solution. This is a medium peel that can be done 1-2 times any time of year.
The process takes about 30 minutes. During this procedure, the doctor applies the trichloroacetic acid solution in layers (the number of layers depends on the thickness of the skin).
Immediately after peeling, hyperemia (increased blood flow) on the skin appears, 1-2 days later, the impact site acquires a bronze color, and 3-4 days later microplate peeling occurs. It is very important to follow all your doctor's advice after surgery. The specialist must provide the patient with a plan for the recovery period.
The result of TCA exfoliation is the correction of small wrinkles around the eyes. This peeling is also beneficial for reducing wrinkles around the forehead, cheeks, lips and improving the skin condition in general: it becomes smooth and even. Important: After peeling, do not wash the affected area with water for a day, use a regenerating cream and hot water. During recovery, be sure to use products with SPF (30 and above).
The procedure has contraindications: herpes, inflammatory processes, hyperpigmentation, allergies, pregnancy, breastfeeding, malignant tumors.
plasma therapy

Plasmogel is produced by heating a patient's plasma in a special centrifuge and injecting it. This procedure is beneficial for adding volume and correcting wrinkles on the skin.
Plasma is injected using an atraumatic cannula, completely eliminating the risk of hematoma. The advantage of plasma therapy compared to other procedures is fast recovery. You may experience redness that disappears after a few hours.
With Plasmogel therapy, the effect is increasing, so we recommend that you do it in one course - 3 times a month, and after six months - another course. The results will be dramatic: firmer, elastic skin and visibly reduced wrinkles around the eyes.

Another common injection procedure used to correct wrinkles in the area around the eyes. Fillers are hyaluronic acid-based preparations that help replenish subcutaneous adipose tissue deficiencies. If you need to address wrinkles in the periorbital area with the help of fillers, specialists will use contour preparation. During surgery, anesthesia is not required in most cases, as the preparation already contains a local anesthetic. If there is no anesthetic in the composition of the medicine, the beautician will apply anesthesia.
You'll need to repeat the process based on your doctor's testimony - the frequency depends on how biodegradable the filler itself is. When working in a fixed area, your next visit may only be waiting for you in 2-3 years.
If you have an inflammatory process or a viral disease shortly before surgery, it is best to postpone the use of fillers. Also, be sure to discuss the risk of an allergic reaction to the ingredients of the medicine with your doctor.
Injected peptide bioremediation
This is an injectable medication used to correct the eyelid area and the area around the eyes. The basis of the drug is the DRMC complex of hyaluronic acid and trace elements, which moisturizes and tightens the skin.
For significant results, we recommend 3 surgeries spaced 14 days apart. The effect can then be maintained every six months. Taking into account the initial treatment of the area around the eyes with anesthetics and antiseptics, a procedure does not exceed 20 minutes.