The face is one of the signs of attractiveness. The well-groomed skin and the right curves give women beauty and make her look younger. However, as we get older, it becomes more difficult to maintain a young appearance.
The representative of the beautiful half of human beings has adopted various methods in order to maintain the beauty of the face. Technological advancements have brought new trends to beauty, which has helped the emergence of new procedures. A good example is laser partial facial rejuvenation, which can be ordered at a laser rejuvenation clinic.
The essence of the program
The laser facial skin rejuvenation procedure allows you to quickly and effectively remove old cells in the dermis. Therefore, the growth of new cells is increased, accompanied by a firming and rejuvenating effect. The cosmetic effect is obvious after the first course of treatment.
During the laser partial skin rejuvenation treatment, a multi-line laser beam guided by an expert penetrates into the dermal cells and renews them. At the moment of penetration, it splits into several thin lines, thereby providing a microscopic effect. Essentially, the laser skin rejuvenation process is similar to laser skin resurfacing, but the temperature of the beam is several times higher.
Rejuvenation does not require any preparation. The only thing the patient needs to ask for is to consult the clinician: he must specify a separate procedure. Laser facial rejuvenation does not cause pain-no anesthesia is required. Visitors to the medical center can only feel a slight tingling sensation:
The laser rejuvenation procedure for facial skin is processed under the following conditions.
- Skin elasticity decreases.
- The appearance of age spots.
- The appearance of spider veins.
- After acne and acne.
- Scars appear on the skin.
- Loose skin, wrinkles.
- The tone of the dermis is reduced.
Like any type of cosmetic treatment, laser skin rejuvenation surgery also has contraindications. If the patient suffers from diabetes, chronic skin disease, cardiovascular system disease, high blood pressure, epilepsy, this technique cannot be used. In the presence of tumors and infectious diseases, pregnancy, and skin inflammation, this procedure is strictly not recommended.
More and more customers require laser treatment on facial skin. The reason for this is the unquestionable advantages of this method.
- The risk of skin pigmentation is minimal.
- Quickly restore the skin.
- Minimal side effects.
- No anesthetic is used during the operation.
- The fraction method is applicable to any skin light type.
- Maximum efficiency: Observe the elasticity and recovery of the dermis, the disappearance of loose skin and the removal of old cells after the first course of treatment.
Recovery after surgery
Maintaining the positive results of laser skin rejuvenation depends on following the advice of clinic experts. For one week after the operation, do not touch the crusty skin on the exposed area: skin regeneration has already begun. Within a month, it is best to apply a cream with an SPF filter on the facial skin to avoid sunbathing. It is also not recommended to use peels and scrubs.
You can order effective laser fractional rejuvenation surgery at the medical center. The service will be provided by highly qualified experts using modern equipment.